Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

Best Online Money Making in the World

The best money-maker on the web today, just as it has been since the year of nineties, is to selling 'opportunity' to others who wants to make big money fast online without a cost in startup capital or high-demand specialist knowledge. Sounds like you're in the market to buy some opportunity for yourself.
Whether its MLM schemes, building ecommerce websites, SEOs, or even Affiliate schemes, whatever you can presents to other hungry hopefuls as a 'golden opportunities to make the dollars will always sells. There's not only a sucker born every minute, but many of the suckers will buy into every scheme on the block. ;)  Last year, the search term 'Dreamweaver Training Video' was the highest bid item I found on Overture at well over £7 a click!
Unsurprisingly, more honest forms of gambling also sell well, again appealing to the millions online who want to make big money without big effort or big investments.
However, the real money goes to those at the top of this huge ol' pyramid scheme that is the web:  Microsoft, providers of the software that most users buy into just to get online and surf porn, download free (ripped) movies, software and games, or just surf the net. Ebay, the auction where anyone can try to sell whatever they have for a few fast bucks, and all pay a little to Ebay - another 'tax' on opportunity. That gives you the general idea. Cynical? Sure, but just because I'm a cynic doesn't mean it isn't the truth.
So are we. Gambling would be the other biggie. Its a sad fact of human nature that the less savoury an activity is, the more likely you are to be able to make money from it.
Having said that, not every big money making sector need be unsavoury. People spend millions, nay billions, of £££ every year on travel, and travel related items, plane tickets, hotel reservations etc Its hellishly competitive though.
Thats why you see threads in the Affilate forum about how to go about building "Method A" and "Method B" empires, the general idea being that early on its better to dominate a small niche, and sharpen your skills, then join the great feeding frenzy in the killer sectors, where the minute slice of pie you are going to grab still adds up to plenty.
I would imagine that some of the members here can. Don't expect them to share business critical information like that too freely though. The ideal situation for someone wishing to make money over the net is to discover that niche where the competition is low, and the money flows freely. If you post that here, within the week you can expect the sharks to gather, and they WILL take chunks of your income.
Where you make money is also a very personal thing, I think. Some people build sites that work for CJ type banner deals, some do not. Some people prefer to work with mechants more directly, selling their stuff, others can't make it work. Some will go Method A, damn the subject matter, whats the ROI?, others want to build Method B labours of love, indulging their passions and incidentally, using the sites to pay the bills
Selling intangibles like information or services is fraught with its own difficulties, there can be extra legal issues involved (was the info or service ever delivered? Can you prove it? What if someone pays for a piece of software by c/c, then refuses the charge? You take the hit, usually)
Selling goods leads to complications with shipping, do you send the physical stuff, or the merchant? Who handles returns? Who handles customer complaints?
Do not be fooled, operating on the web is not easy. Pure affiliates have a relatively easy ride, they just supply the traffic, and collect the cheques. To make up for it, they need to send a LOT of visitors to make the big bucks.

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